Tuesday, May 08, 2007


i never fail to feel a slight tinge of pity and sadness everytime i go pass certain buildings, especially those in Bedok...

most of the buildings in which fragments of my childhood were spent are heading for the gallows; one of which is a seemingly a vacant and despairing tiled cinema boarded up to the brim, one in which i have watched countless movies as a kid, remembering the auntie behind the counter writing my seat number in bold with a red chinagraph pencil and tearing it at its seams, the indian kajumputeh uncle who would be flustered whenever he gets too busy, the musky smelling seats which somehow had a strangely alluring quality, the fat Chinese usher who would have to deal with 2 people having the same seat number..

somehow the newer cinemas... are just lacking in something. Don't u think?

the cow and i figured it's time to go take some pictures of the one building that's due for demolition soon... before it's really gone. I remember many memories of the stadium actually.. i've did a army half marathon, been seated in countless national day celebrations, helped out with the preparations during my army days, heard a few ghost stories here and there from friends...

i see it's nostalgia moments for me right now...