Wednesday, February 15, 2006

airy whispers

i have decided to stop smoking...

this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the Commons has recently came up with a sizzling hot topic... the banning of smoking in public places like restaurants, bars and pubs, exempting those pubs which do not serve food or are catered for private members.

i've smoked my last fag as i walked to the bus stop this morning on my way to work... there comes a point in time for me when i think enough is enough... i can feel my lungs heaving out smoke even when i'm not on the cig... just thought that there must come a time when i have decided on it, and subsequently shout it out to the world, to whoever might be listening.

now, my common mortal friends, the importance is 'stopping' to smoke.

It is not the same as quitting, at least not really in my context... i've always thought that smoking is an addiction, which of cos has been scientifically proven true, and that somehow an ex-smoker can never truthfully be rid of that 'gut instinct' to pick up a fag and light it. Thus the world will never be rid of smokers, sad but true fact,... or unless they all turn to being addicted to something else like cannibis, heroin or maybe sex. well... at least being addicted to sex is way better, physically, than being on the needle or something isn't it... or so the way i see it.

and somehow i've not convinced myself that quitting is actually a viable option... as it will tend to happen once i go clubbing or do something that falls vaguely into that of the same category as clubbing...

but the whole point here is that i'm stopping, least till the next bout of craving jumpstarts the bad habit again...

one must start off somewhere, dun you think so?