Tuesday, February 07, 2006


i'm definitely mad.

or plain free, u would probably think.

nope, i did this in the first week of work, when flowers were floating from the clear blue skies and pure Evian flowed from the taps...

yeah right

i was just having some fun with my cadding program then and decided heck, why not give it a go anyway.. haha.

so here it is, the plan of my london pad!... the dodgy place that i've lived for the past half a year.

as you can tell, i was interrupted before i did actually finish drawing out everything. i.e. poor flatmate A's room is NOT so empty.. lol

the pond is actually a gross black puddle of slime and algae that hasn't been cleaned out in eons and resembles a freefall into hell, or where sadako crawls out...

but in fact is probably only a feet deep.

while THIS is in fact how my flat looks like:

one grows into a space, they say.

i certainly did.