A blog born from my time walking the streets of London, this has steadily grown attached to me like fabric on my skin... back once more at home, once more within comfort zones... and now in the City of Angels. What little pleasures will my life unfold upon thee..
a little celebration for jess at sentosa! ---------------------- been busy caught up with many things of late... so much that i've forgotten to blog. my apologies indeed. -----------------------
of late i have decided to stop smoking, mainly due to a major bout of tonsilities which left me for dead just during my final crit last semester...
i was literally lying in bed with a raging fever of 40 degress and a body racked with aches and pangs of pain in my joints. Although i doubt it was really directly due to smoking but nevertheless, it was way enough to deter me from picking up a fag after for fear of aggrevating my raw throat again..
so yes i have now officially stopped smoking since november 20 or so... i do recount having just a casual stick or 2 in the midst of this timeframe but i must stress that it was hardly continuous nor much of a pleasure when i did puff again.
congratulate me please people, i think it's worth a breather...
On hindsight i no longer feel blardy tired in the mid-afternoon and definitely more energetic for the whole day.. this entails a jump in productivity!.. sometimes. hee...
The craziest thing is that i've STILL been falling sick ever since i 've stopped smoking! fuck shit.. i hope it's part of my body's detox-from-no-smoking agenda.