Monday, February 25, 2008


Sporting News 01

you've been tagged

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Step Up 2 My Living Room

"Hey baby... Bring it on down..."

That resonating line comes from a DDR (dance dance revolution) song titled Paranoia... a game that I remember vididly, not in the least due to the fact of ah lians dancing barefooted in video arcades all over the island of Singapore, but more so because I actually played it in the sanctuary of the public-proof watertight walls of my dear friend Norman.

It was during the very precise nauseating days of National Service and the 9-5 hours that N and I had that led us to consider the sudden possibilty of doing something even more meaningful in our lives, other than the usual swearing-cum-Counterstriking incidents, frantic games of table tennis, an occasional bout of tennis, bits of swimming, loads of snookering and some alcohol indulgences, we felt that we were always on the extreme verge of cutting edge technology; forerunners in simple entertainment...

Henceforth the evenings of thunderous dance music and jolly jumprope-like hopping begun...

10 years down the road, I now walk solemnly into my living room and pick up the 2 pieces of what becomes cutting edge gaming for the 2nd time... a Wiimote and a Nunchuk, 2 things of which embodies the free spirit of hand-eye coordination that is sometimes sorely lacking in alot of individuals...

and 10 years down the road, a game that was made by Konami, has been remixed n remodelled for the Wii set... a game that brings back memories of boys-to-men moments of staking our lives on the slippery dance mat of treachery that threatens to consume the sanity of humankind...

yes the DDR is back... with possibly more insanely-frantic dance moves and crazy hand movements to go with it...

I'm so gonna get it.

seeing red

not so much of getting it all auspicious and festive...

more like adding a touch of life into the otherwise, dull and listless kitchen.
