Wednesday, January 11, 2006

caffeine shots

All computer programs and backgrounds should be dark in colour… this is all the more true when you sit in the dark of your room at half past midnight, typing your blog when you can’t get to sleep.

Yes, amazingly, I can’t fall sleep.

Wearily left the office at about fifteen past ten or so… was fleshing out the 2nd of my thesis topics in the application essay for Delft University, Netherlands; which means I have one more to go.

As much as I am enjoying the sudden rush of finally thinking more about design matters again, I am also struck by how anal I am when it comes to trying to resolve certain thoughts in my head, particularly when it comes to matters pertaining to architecture.

It’s a fucking occupational hazard.

Another possible reason why I’m still sitting up instead of retiring for the night might also boil down to the fact that over a timeframe of the 4 hrs or so that I was in office, I had 5 cans of Coke.

That might somehow account for the ‘weary-body-hates-awake-mind’ syndrome that I’m going through this very moment.

17th century French philosopher Rene Descarte’s theory was that the mind and the brain were 2 totally separate things, and was never meant to be the same thing.

The brain is physical, the mind isn’t.

Of course they can communicate with each other in various ways. The mind gets the body to do various things by way of the brain – it tells the brain what to do, and the brain then goes on to tell the body what to do.

Wanting is something that, according to Descartes, your non-physical mind does. So the 2 are very separate. This sort of view is known as dualism. It sees each one of us as 2 different parts or components – hence dual in the title.

The result is the fracturing of a person into the inside and the outside; the mind within and the body without. Thus the real me is what’s on the inside, the special part that no one else can see.

I am blabbering nonsense from thinking too much, too late. Humour me.