Tuesday, September 06, 2005

the other side

Work has always been a bane of my existence… tearing at every nerve within the body..


I have always tried to make routines non-existence, be it the way that I walk to work (of which I currently have 3 routes), the order of which I do stuff when I get back home from work, or simply the arrangement of things that are on my table… maybe I get bored easily and strive to change little things that are in my power to be changed… and that would also certainly explain my occasional mood swings and periods of antisocial-ness, for those that knows the better of me;

when I like to retreat into my own space and seek that little bit of peace that I think I missed

Maybe that’s why I have always proclaimed to be a beachbum-wannabe at times while at other times, trying to do the best I can in my area of work; because both matter to me quite abit… the 2 are the reflection of the 2 sides of me that are most apparent… one that wants to run away and find a lazy sun-baked beach, and the other who feels that a successful career is important.

As a self-proclaimed day-dreamer as well, it feels that I am then entitled to moments of absurdity where I can sit in my office chair, stare at the computer screen with a thick stack of door schedules in front of me and simply, daydream.
Unbelievable but true… I only lack the part where I start talking to myself… kinda too early to freak people out I figured.


All of these are typed just after I awoke from a pleasant daydream ( shall be known as DD from henceforth ) of which details I shall not serve out on a platter… ask me if you shall be interested to know
