Friday, September 09, 2005

the usual's

Every morning as I sit in the back garden and have a coffee around 7.30… quite a pleasant sight greets me without fail… at about this time, a brown furry little thing called a squirrel will happily climb onto my wooden picket fence and perch gaily for a moment of two.. often staring at me for a minute before prancing off to the neighbour’s yard..

Realized the eyes of a squirrel are quite ALL black isn’t it.. kinda cute but scary at the same time.. can almost imagine an evil grin that stretches across that cutesy little face.. *wahaha*


you know people, the firm, or UK in general, has quite good welfare I must say… besides the usual free coffee and tea, the pantry is always well stocked with bottles of Evian, Coke, Diet Coke and ginger Beer.. on my first day in, I realized there must be free stuff lying around since there were so many people drinking Evian and coke constantly.. hee

smoke breaks have been the most pleasant of all, really…

what happens is that once I step out of the front door of my office, I am almost instantly greeted with a glass display of young energetic women gyrating in sync to some invisible music that’s probably thumping away in that little soundproof dance studio across the small cobblestone street.
Haha.. so while they prance happily around, I’m also rather happily taking my puffs…

Now that’s what I call lovely.