Friday, February 24, 2006

a competitive week

sorry for my non-existence over the past week..

things have just been terribly busy at work... had been asked to help out a competition team for a few days till the end of the week.. so we worked from 9am to 1am everyday for a few days... been the first time in 7 months of working that i took a cab home on the firm's account.. lol

so the wreck shanghai competition ended yesterday and i came home earlier, skipping a friend's bday dinner in the process, cooked abit of dinner and went to bed at about ten-ish...

yep. half-ten to be exact.

lemme recover my thoughts and start the blogging mood again guys...

Friday, February 17, 2006

Such a poetic framing of the view...

This is the one and only window in my pathetic office, which looks out upon a lovely view of a skyline cropped by the backsides of old brick buildings...

it is true.

pictures do not always tell the truth

thought it's about time to flash all of you guys with a recent pic of me..


the pathetic smaller office i am stuck in now..

oh well, i'm moving to the site office soon anyway..

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

airy whispers

i have decided to stop smoking...

this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the Commons has recently came up with a sizzling hot topic... the banning of smoking in public places like restaurants, bars and pubs, exempting those pubs which do not serve food or are catered for private members.

i've smoked my last fag as i walked to the bus stop this morning on my way to work... there comes a point in time for me when i think enough is enough... i can feel my lungs heaving out smoke even when i'm not on the cig... just thought that there must come a time when i have decided on it, and subsequently shout it out to the world, to whoever might be listening.

now, my common mortal friends, the importance is 'stopping' to smoke.

It is not the same as quitting, at least not really in my context... i've always thought that smoking is an addiction, which of cos has been scientifically proven true, and that somehow an ex-smoker can never truthfully be rid of that 'gut instinct' to pick up a fag and light it. Thus the world will never be rid of smokers, sad but true fact,... or unless they all turn to being addicted to something else like cannibis, heroin or maybe sex. well... at least being addicted to sex is way better, physically, than being on the needle or something isn't it... or so the way i see it.

and somehow i've not convinced myself that quitting is actually a viable option... as it will tend to happen once i go clubbing or do something that falls vaguely into that of the same category as clubbing...

but the whole point here is that i'm stopping, least till the next bout of craving jumpstarts the bad habit again...

one must start off somewhere, dun you think so?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

neal's yard

haircutting is a strange experience in london...

having cut his hair twrice in this foriegn land, all of varying prices and locations, it has never failed to be an affair of the strangest experiences...

the weather was absolutely fantastic today...

he trodded out of his block in the morning and the blazing sun blasted him off his feet... figuratively, yes. It felt almost like a typical sunny autumn day, curiously set dead in the middle of winter, viciously confusing the scampering-and-never-punctual-for-work singaporean as he begins his wednesday...

"hmm hmm hmm..." as he softlty hums an obscure tune while he feels the gentle warmth of the sun rubbing off the back of his neck.

he discreetly smiles and for that moment in time, the world follows suit...

hence his sudden mood to head for the hairstylist was substantiated, pretty much acredited to the day's brilliant skies and warmth...

the very first time, the recollection, was that of finding a cheap barbershop that was in the vicinity of his pad. It was a brief 5 mins away and it was the most typical of English barbers, one that was reminiscent of worn leather seats, rimmed with discoloured silver and smelling of Old Spice colonge... it was more of a 'feeling' that drew him there...

the other, and significantly pricier, salon that he patronised was Triko, a really small and quaint establishment on the fringe of the Covent Garden area, where he works. Although he didn't quite understand the japanese conversations bouncing off the walls between the stylists, it was nevertheless quite a relaxing change to be conversing with Kei, his hairdresser, about things outside architecture.

Just simply, about life.

today, in a macro way, not that different.

Like every other day, he would head towards a small street branching off The Seven Dials, to a small flavorsome cafe... The Monmouth Coffee Company, often ordering his daily dose of a simple latte. along the way he would also stroll through a small cobblestone path into a cheery little courtyard space, where the aromatic smells from the French bakery and olive scents of the neighbouring Italian restaurant whiffs into his senses, almost just tasting it on the tip of his tongue.

In the corner was Hair by Fairy, the third salon in the installment of this very entry.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

i walked past the salon at two, just shortly after lunch en-route to coffee, and so decided to check out the salon, feeling it might be good to shorten the hair to freshen up.

it was jam-packed with people...

hence the decision was to head back to the office and call them up for an appointment, preferably just later in the afternoon. Fished around as fast as i could on Yell, got the number down hastily and gave them a buzz, lowering my voice slightly as i was in the office.

"Good afternoon, could i make an appointment later in the day for a cut and wash, please?" so i went.
"I'm afraid we're fully booked for the rest of the day" the lady on the other end of the line casually replied,
"How about tomorrow at 3 instead?" she followed.

"yes, that sounds lovely... " and proceeded giving her my name and mobile number.

the next sentence hit me hard.

"so, Jeffrey, what kind of waxing would you like to do?"

if you're wondering why, click here.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

tabula rasa

due to an installation of the new commenting system, all previous comments have been wiped out...

but yes, i saw your most recent one mela... lol

and the weird Haloscan thingy disappeared again after i installed it. siaosiao. forget it.

i have no idea if my friend will allow me to post this lovely shot that she took...
but psst, if u violently object:

scream... loud loud.

and i guess i will remove it then on your request.

but until that happens...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


i'm definitely mad.

or plain free, u would probably think.

nope, i did this in the first week of work, when flowers were floating from the clear blue skies and pure Evian flowed from the taps...

yeah right

i was just having some fun with my cadding program then and decided heck, why not give it a go anyway.. haha.

so here it is, the plan of my london pad!... the dodgy place that i've lived for the past half a year.

as you can tell, i was interrupted before i did actually finish drawing out everything. i.e. poor flatmate A's room is NOT so empty.. lol

the pond is actually a gross black puddle of slime and algae that hasn't been cleaned out in eons and resembles a freefall into hell, or where sadako crawls out...

but in fact is probably only a feet deep.

while THIS is in fact how my flat looks like:

one grows into a space, they say.

i certainly did.

Monday, February 06, 2006

February 2006

here comes February!

yes yes, a little late but it came anyway didn't it..


happy working to all!

come what may

I drink good coffee every morning
Comes from a place that's far away
And when I'm done I feel like talking
Without you here there is less to say

I don't want you thinking I'm unhappy
What is closer to the truth
That if I lived till I was 102
I just don't think I'll ever get over you

I'm no longer moved to drink strong whisky
'Cause I shook the hand of time and I knew
That if I lived till I could no longer climb my stairs
I just don't think I'll ever get over you

Your face it dances and it haunts me
Your laughter's still ringing in my ears
I still find pieces of your presence here
Even after all these years
But I don't want you thinking I don't get asked to dinner
'Cause I'm here to say that I sometimes do

Even though I may soon feel the touch of love
I just don't think I'll ever get over you
If I lived till I was 102
I just don't think I'll ever get over you

by Colin Hay

the start of the year doesn't bore well with my head unfortunately...


musicals... the way they waltz you away into the world of angelic music, of spectacular dances, into a realm where everything floats gently along with the whims of your mind...

a realm where no one touches you but the tinted scent of promise...

a realm where love, beauty and anger is sung, never spoken; waltzed, never walked; shone, never just lit; touched, and never just a feeling...

i think i just miss singing.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


a usual lunch break involves a packed lunch from leftover dinner and a fag...

felt a little bloated after lunch today, which involved a fair bit of spagetti bolognese that was my dinner from last night. Dinners are usually cooked with a tad more than usual so that i can bring some food to lunch the next day...

thus followed a sweet lazy smoke break along the street just outside the office building...

it was oddly unusual today... i though it was really cold... really really cold doesn't help either that my mood today ain't in the best, like the gloomy English weather.

"maybe i'm falling sick" as i muttered aloud...

then i saw some cigarette ash fleeting gracefully before me, the little bits of stuff floating gently down onto the black pavement. Now i'm really pissed.

'tmd.. which asshole is smoking upstairs..'

which naturally was instantly followed with the swift motion of glaring upwards along the building for the fagging prick, conjuring up words in my mind to hurl... then I held my mouth for that mere second.

It was just snowing.